Capsicum Salsa Grower Fact

Capsicum annuum: Maya Calypso, Maya Favorit, Maya Festival , Maya Karneval, Maya Mambo, Maya Salma , Maya Salsa, Maya Tango

Maya Calypso
Calypso has a very elegant plant habit with many pointed fruits at 4 x 1 cm. To start with the fruits are green - except the yellow/red. The Calypso series is available in 5 colours: yellow/red, red, deep orange, orange and yellow.

Maya Favorit
Favorit is a very compact, dark leaved series with fruits at 3 x 1  cm. To start with the fruits are green with slightly black colouring. Favorit is available as red, orange and yellow.

Maya Festival
Festival is very well branching producing many fruits at 2 x 2 cm. The fruits shades from dark violet to orange and ending as red, giving a fantastic play of colours.

Maya Karneval
Karneval is a vigorous variety with medium sized fruits at 4 x 2 cm. The size of the fruits and the keeping quality make this series very popular. Karneval is available in 4 colours: red, dark orange, orange and yellow. Before the fruits mature they turn green with slightly black colouring. 

Maya Mambo
Mambo is a compact, darkleaved series with conically shaped fruits at 3,5 x 1 cm.To start with the fruits are green/black and end up in the colours red, orange, yellow, and dark yellow.

Maya Salma
Salma is a well branching mini Capsicum, a dwarf and compact product.Salma develops many 2 x 1 cm fruits. The Salma series is available in 2 colours: Orange and Red.

Maya Salsa
Salsa is a well branching mini Capsicum, a dwarf and compact product.Salsa develops many 2 x 1 cm fruits. The Salsa series is available in 5 colours: Deep orange, orange, red, yellow and yellow/red.

Maya Tango
Tango is a new series with fruits centered in the middle of the plant. Tango has the same size of fruits as Karneval but on a more compact plant. Tango is available in 4 different colours: Deep Orange, Light Orange, Red and Yellow.

Sowing Media:Lightly fertilized peat, pH 5,5-6,0.

Sowing: Use 91-plug tray. After sowing the trays are watered, but be careful that the media is not getting too wet, as that might result in poor germination. Seeds may be covered with a light layer of Vermiculite and the trays are then covered with plastic.

Germination temperature:20-22กใ C (68-72กใ F).

Germination:Remove the plastic before the plants start
to strech. After germination, the temperature is lowered to 18กใ (64กใ F), and the plants moved to a light area with good air condition.

Potting:When the plugs are 6-7 weeks, transplant into a 10-11 cm pot using a well fertilized peat, pH 5,5-6,0.

Growth regulation:Only one growth regulation is recommended. To encourage the generative development 0,1-0,2% Alar can be applied when the plants are 5-6 weeks. Growth regulation later on is not recommended, as it will reduce the size of the fruits. The control growth ensures that the soil is dry prior to each watering and do not over-water at any time.

Growing on:4-5 weeks after potting the plants are spaced to 30-36 pots per m2. To avoid stop of growth or leaves at the basal part of the plant turning yellow, it is important that Capsicum is always well fertilized.
To produce a nice product good light conditions and good ventilation is needed.

Sales:Total crop time from sowing is 18-22-weeks.